"The Four Patriots"
Really amazing treatment of a subject which is our country's need of the moment. Thrilling to the core, a must read.
A country whose potential has been undermined for years…there couldn't have been a better treatment of the bigger picture. Each page keeps you craving for more.
The narration is amazing. The book re- ignites the spirit of patriotism & nationalism.
Sumit's prose is filled with positivity and wit, a unique story telling style which keeps you hooked till the last page. A poignant story of the struggle of the four patriots to transform a country whose potential has been unduly undermined. A country whose fate has not changed despite the JP and the Anna Andolans. An eye opener, an inspiring and sumptuous read.
The book would surely inspire the youth today and would instill feeling of nationalism which is quite imperative in today's context. It is only the youth that has the power to transform this country. Really inspiring.
This book is about youngsters and the fire burning within them to make this country a better place to live in. Very touching yet motivating.
Superb... bringing out realities of our times. I am sure this will be a hit for youth to guide them for a bright future in a brighter India.
This is an inspiring book about how important it is for educated citizens to take politics seriously and how some inspired youngsters can make a difference to the country.
We all want to do something for the country but feel helpless in front of the defunct system….this book gives us hope that system can be transformed. A must read for youth of the country.
It's an amazing book, providing lots of insight into the prevailing condition in our country. It's very spontaneous; it also shows that if you seek despair, you get despair but if you seek hope. There is definitely one.
If you want India to become "Sone ki chiriya" again, then you must read this book and participate in the development of the country.
The country whose fate has not changed despite the J.P. and Anna Andolans. An eye opener, an inspiring and sumptuous read. All the best with lots of wishes.
A must read for people who love their country.
Rupa Publication will do a good job in promoting and selling your book. "Best Of Luck"
It is heartening to know about “The Four Patriots” which inspires the youth and I'm confident that you will continue with this.
An interesting work of fiction of four successful 'politicians' and their journey
The Four Patriot is a gripping story of four individuals who are deftly woven into the patriotic theme. The characters seem so much from real life and are beautifully developed. Must say it is a great read. You just can't keep the book down.
It is an ethereal amalgamation of reality and fantasy. The best thing about the book is that it not only puts forth the dismay of the youth in our country, but also shows them the light…a path they can walk upon to bring glory to the country and themselves, in the most interesting and captivating way possible.
The novel leaves the reader with a heightened sense of patriotism. It is an enthralling read.
You cannot miss this if you are a patriot yourself. I wish sumit great success in what I can already foresee as an extraordinary writing career.
It was breeze to go through the book, Overall it was a delight to read the book and wishing you the best for your future writings.